
Jim Johnston Wants To Remind Everybody What Wrestling Themes Are In New EP

Johnston worked with WWE for 32 years

Former WWE composer Jim Johnston has revealed he is working on an EP, with the aim of reminding fans what wrestling themes are and how they are supposed to work. 

Johnston worked with WWE for 32 years before his contract was allowed to expire in 2017, and the artist has been extremely vocal in his belief that the current crop of WWE entrance themes are up to the level they need to be.

The composer admits there may be an element of spite to his new project as he seeks to produce new work.

Talking on the RRBG Podcast, Johnston said: "I'll let you know that I'm also doing a project where I'm doing sort of an EP. Five...I don't know if they're going to be lyrics songs or just instrumentals, probably half-and-half or three-and-two of, essentially, themes.

"I guess you would sadly say maybe there is some spite in that, but I wanted to do it just to kind of remind everybody what themes are and how they work. They're not the same genre of music as a song. It's different. It's like an amalgam of mixing songs and soundtrack.

"It's not just about the lyrics and it's not so much a story, it's talking about a feeling that kind of elevates you or is threatening, but it's very cinematic in a way."

H/T Fightful

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com