
Mansoor Hoped WWE Unbeaten Streak Wouldn't End 'Anticlimactically'

The streak ended in a DQ...

Mansoor says he had hoped his WWE unbeaten streak wouldn't come to an anticlimactic end. 

Including all television shows, Network specials and live event matches, Mansoor had accrued a 49-match unbeaten run across WWE, prior to making his debut appearance on Monday Night Raw this past week.

The 25-year-old would face United States champion Sheamus, only to lose by disqualification after an interference from Humberto Carrillo. 

Mansoor, talking about his streak, said he first became aware of it around the 25 match mark, and was hopeful it wouldn't have a less than satisfying end.

Speaking to TV Insider, he said: "I was having those matches on 205 Live and felt I was getting momentum. Then someone pointed out [that] if I include the NXT live events in Florida before the pandemic I would be on a 25-match win streak. I had no idea.

"I didn’t want to put too much attention to it because I didn’t want to brag. I wanted to keep my head down, work, and be humble. Then it got to 45 and people started to report about it.

"I was hoping it didn’t end anticlimactically. The thing about the undefeated streak I learned was [that] momentum is key. Wins can really build and bring the best out of my opponents."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com