
Quiz: Bret Hart's WWE & WCW Pay-Per-View Opponents

Happy Birthday To The Hitman!

Today we're wishing a very happy birthday to Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!

Hart celebrates his 64th birthday on July 2 2021, with manly around the world regarding 'The Excellence Of Execution' as one of the very best to ever step foot inside a wrestling ring.

Making his WWE debut in 1984 as a part of the Hart Foundation, Bret would find success in the team before earning even more honours, accolades and recognition as a singles superstar. A headliner for the promotion throughout the 1990s, his time working for Vince McMahon came to the most controversial of ends with the infamous Montreal Screwjob.

From there Hart signed with WCW, but was forced to retire from in-ring competition as a result of post-concussion syndrome in 2000.

With a host of WWE and WCW events and pay-per-views under his belt, Hart has faced a real who's who of top wrestling talent. But how many that he took on at pay-per-views can you name? 

There's 139 names to get. Best of luck!

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com