
Quiz: Seth Rollins' WWE Pay-Per-View Opponents

Wishing a very happy birthday to Seth!

Today is Seth Rollins' birthday! Happy birthday to 'The Messiah'! 

The former Shield member has held the WWE Title, the Universal Championship, the Intercontinental Championship, the United States Title, the Tag Team gold, the NXT Championship. He has also won the Money In the Bank and the Royal Rumble and, perhaps most important, NINE SLAMMY AWARDS!

Have we missed anything? 

Rollins has enjoyed a storybook WWE career, so much so that, if he retired tomorrow, he would already certainly be a first ballot Hall Of Famer. 

Not that we want him to, of course. He's great. And in many ways, Rollins is just getting started.

It's somewhat shocking to think that Rollins made his main roster debut just under nine years ago. In that time, he's faced 178 opponents on WWE pay-per-view. But how many can you remember? 

That's the point of today's quiz. 178 names in ten minutes. Best of luck!

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com