
Report: WWE NXT's Potential Move To Tuesday Nights In Doubt

It all comes down to a deal between NBC and NHL

The move to Tuesday nights for WWE NXT is now reportedly in doubt as a result of negotiations between the National Hockey League and NBC.

The speculated switch to Tuesdays for NXT came about due to NBC moving the traditional Wednesday night hockey games from its NBC Sports Network platform - which is now defunct - and onto the USA Network. This would require the NHL matches to therefore take NXT's weekly time slot in the schedule and push WWE's black-and-gold brand onto a different evening. 

However, according to Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer, the NHL and NBC are locked in negotiations over a new television deal but 'are far apart on money' and are not close to finding a sum that works for both parties. 

Should the two fail to reach a satisfactory outcome, then it is plausible that NBC will not be showing the NHL on Wednesday nights on the USA Network, negating the need for NXT to switch their broadcast dates. 

Meltzer noted that everything is still up in the air and a lot of different scenarios could still pan out. But a lack of certainty over the requirement to switch to Tuesdays could explain why WWE are yet to make any announcement in regard to NXT switching their broadcast slot. 

NXT would, according to previous reports, move to Tuesdays from April 13, 2021 - the week after WrestleMania 37.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com