
Ric Flair: 'I Think The World Of Kevin Owens'

High praise from the WWE Hall Of Famer

Ric Flair has heaped praise on Kevin Owens, saying the WWE superstar has 'unlimited talent'. 

Owens recently revealed that he has signed a new contract with WWE and Hall Of Famer Flair is delighted for the former Universal Champion, hyping Owens up as an immensely talent wrestler with a heap of respect for the legends and past performers.

Speaking on his Wooooo Nation Uncensored Podcast, Flair said: "I think the world of Kevin Owens. He’s a respectful, nice guy. He has unlimited talent. He has a hell of an interview. Before he ever used the stunner, he called Steve (Austin) and asked him. That’s respect.

"I did a segment with him on a Thanksgiving Starrcade show. It was the Kevin Owens’ KO show, and he asked me, ‘What do you want to talk about?’ I said, ‘Hey, you’re the boss.’ He said, ‘You’re Ric Flair.’ I said, ‘That doesn’t mean anything to me right now. We’ll talk about whatever you want to talk about.’ He’s a very respectful kid with a ton of talent. He takes these huge bumps and all that.

"I’m happy for him and I wish him nothing but success. He’s a great guy."

H/T WrestlingNews.co

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Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com