
Shawn Michaels: I Don't Consider Myself One Of The Best Wrestlers Ever

HBK doesn't include himself in the conversation

Shawn Michaels has admitted he doesn't consider himself in the conversation regarding the best wrestler of all-time. 

Many wrestling fans believe Michaels' storytelling, technique and selling means the Heartbreak Kid sits atop wrestling's all-time mountain, but the WWE Hall Of Famer does not see himself in the conversation.

For Michaels, just having some fans put his name in the debate is beyond any dream he had as a kid.

When asked if he would put his name in that conversation, Michaels told Rasslin’ with Brandon F. Walker: "I don’t. But it’s funny when you’re younger, because certainly you do. But I don’t know, I now have the ability to see everything in the rearview mirror.

"Technically, at 56-years-old, I am back to where I was at 19. Where I was just realizing that my idea of success was having a car and a one-bedroom apartment, and maybe one of the main guys in a local territory in South Texas. Obviously, it has become so much more than that. I am now unbelievably flattered that I get mentioned.

"Look, people argue about it, whether who is or who isn’t, and my name is in there. And that, to me, is good enough. That is beyond my wildest dreams. Those things never get determined, and every generation is different. Again, I’m just glad to be at this point in my life and look back on a really cool body of work that I’m proud of."

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com