
“The Only Enemy WWE Has Is WWE” - Hugo Savinovich

"Remember when the McMahon family did a semi-shoot by standing in the ring and promising to change the product? I haven’t seen it happen."

Legendary wrestling commentator Hugo Savinovich believes WWE is getting in their own way creatively, which in turn is frustrating the fan base. 

Savinovich worked for WWE in the Spanish commentary team between 1994-2011 and feels the company don't need to worry about making money because of the highly-profitable television deals they have accrued.

The disappointing thing, according to Savinovich, is how WWE make rods for their own backs by changing thing that are working - such as The Hurt Business - in favour for more confusing storylines.

Speaking on The Wrestling Inc. Daily, he said: "The only true enemy that WWE has is WWE. Because, they don’t need more money. They already got enough money from Peacock and NBC, FOX, and all the other deals. Yet, they have mistreated the fans.

"Remember when the McMahon family did a semi-shoot by standing in the ring and promising to change the product? I haven’t seen it happen. They messed up with Bobby Lashley and King Corbin, out of nowhere. And then Lashley and MVP suddenly go from Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin to ex-Retribution guys.

"I don’t want to bring race into this, but what the heck is going on? Not just because they were all black, but The Hurt Business was actually working! They had a fantastic frontman in MVP, a fantastic wrestler in Benjamin, a great youngster in Cedric, and the powerhouse Lashley. What are you thinking by bringing in Corbin? When you have something that’s working, don’t freaking change it.

"The reality is the No. 1 company in the world has almost 300 top talents and the people [who work there] are actually upset. Not many people want to talk about it because they’re scared of the monster."

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Mitch Waddon

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com