
Top 10 Big Show turns in WWE

How Do The Giant's Turns Stack Up?

The Big Show has had a long, successful, and varied career.

From rookie World Title Wins in WCW as The Giant, through capturing pretty much every top title in the WWE, to starring in Best Picture Oscar nominee Knucklehead, his enormous legacy is assured.

But despite all the championship wins, memorable storylines, and his tour de force turn as Captain Insano, one thing about Big Show’s career sticks out like a sore thumb;

All those heel and face turns.

Big mean man one second, lovable oaf the next, these turns on a whim have become so synonymous with Big Show that he can’t even go to the shops without someone stopping him to ask if he’s currently a goodie or a baddie.

In his 22 years off and on with WWE Big Show has turned a staggering 32 times. That’s 1.45 turns per year, but when you consider the numerous sabbaticals he has taken during his career, then it’s probably more like two turns per year at the very least.

In honour of the Giant's birthday, on February 8, we've taken the most successfully executed ten of those 32 Big Show turns and ranked them, based on the turns themselves and the subsequent period of Big Show's career:

10. Royal Rumble Rampage (2000)

The Big Show at the WWE Royal Rumble in 2000


Two months after Big Show’s WWE Title triumph at Survivor Series, and the title had found itself back around Triple H’s waist.

Undeterred, Show tried his luck at the Royal Rumble so he could get another crack at the gold at WrestleMania 2000, lasting all the way until the final two when he was hoisted out by The Rock.

But The Great One’s feet hit the floor first.

They weren’t meant to, mind you, but even The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment has his off days.

Big Show was rightly miffed at being inadvertently cheated out of the Mania main event, so he did what any sane man would do - snapped, went full bad guy turned The People’s Champion into paste.

This Big Show was treated as a credible heel threat all the way until WrestleMania 2000, where he was successfully inserted into the main event under Shane McMahon’s watchful eye.

However, Show was readily eliminated from the Championship fatal four way, before heading to the back and raiding a fancy dress trunk. 

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Written by Jack Atkins

Scripts, news, and features writer. Anything with words, basically.