
Vince McMahon Reportedly Left WWE Raw Taping Following 'Long' Production Meeting

McMahon didn't stay for the show itself

Vince McMahon was reportedly not in attendance for the actual WWE Monday Night Raw show this week, but was at the building to run what is reported as being a 'long' production meeting.

McMahon, according to PWInsider, was at the venue for the November 8 episode of WWE Raw in Louisville, Kentucky and ran what has been described as a 'Capital letters LONG' production meeting during the afternoon ahead of the show. 

However, McMahon would then depart the arena and wouldn't stay in attendance for Raw itself.

It is noted that Bruce Prichard, Executive Director of SmackDown and Raw, was also not in attendance in any capacity at this week's episode of the Red brand, which meant the taping of the live show itself was left in the hands of Head Of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis.

No word has been given as to why McMahon departed the Raw show prior to the episode going live on television, nor why Prichard - the man who is in charge of the direction of both of WWE's flagship shows - wasn't in attendance either.

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com