
WWE NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020 Live Results

WarGames has arrived...

Welcome to Cultaholic Wrestling's live results for WWE NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020 and join us as we provide updates from the Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida. The Pre-Show is set to begin at 11:30 pm GMT and the main card will follow at midnight GMT. 

Five matches have been announced for the show and TakeOver will be headlined by the two WarGames matches. Check out the card below: 
• The Undisputed ERA vs. Pat McAfee, Pete Dunne, Danny Burch & Oney Lorcan - WarGames
• Team Shotzi Blackheart vs. Team Candice LeRae - WarGames
• Leon Ruff (c) vs. Damian Priest vs. Johnny Gargano - Triple Threat Match for the NXT North American Championship
• Dexter Lumis vs. Cameron Grimes - Strap Match
• Tommaso Ciampa vs. Timothy Thatcher 

The Cultaholic Heavyweight Championship won't be on the line at WarGames, but Andrew Hodkinson has entered the predictions fray for the first time. The plucky Yorkshireman joins Sam Driver, Adam Pacitti, Tom Campbell, Jack King and Owen Mawson for the latest contest. Check out their picks below:

Team Candice LeRae def. Team Shotzi Blackheart - WarGames

The babyfaces held the WarGames advantage following Shotzi Blackheart's victory over Raquel Gonzalez on Wednesday. 

Dakota Kai and Ember Moon started the match for their respective teams. The first five minutes were fairly even. 

Shotzi Blackheart entered the match next with a toolbox and crowbar. The Ballsy Badass initially had the advantage over Kai but Dakota fought back against Blackheart and Moon. Shotzi caught Kai with a Pump Kick to regain control. Team Blackheart worked together and Shotzi hit a Missile Dropkick on Dakota while The Captain Of Team Kick was on Ember's shoulders.

Raquel Gonzalez made her way to the ring next and she and Dakota Kai dominated Team Blackheart. Ripley entered next and she squared off with her former rival Gonzalez. Dakota Kai quickly got involved, though, and The Nightmare hit her with a flurry of Ripcord Clotheslines and a Slam. Blackheart and Moon beat down Gonzalez in the other ring. 

Ripley opened Shotzi's toolbox and beat down Kai with a hammer. She then took off her belt and flung Dakota into the cage. The Nightmare and Raquel then met in no man's land and fought back and forth as the clock counted down.

Toni Storm collected two kendo sticks from under the ring and entered the match next. Team Candice proceeded to beat down Team Shotzi with the weapons. 

All six women were laid out as Io Shirai entered the match. The Genius Of The Sky tossed a ladder and another kendo stick into the ring. Shirai tried to enter the structure but Gonzalez repeatedly stopped her. Io managed to send another ladder into the ring but Gonzalez again forced her to the floor below. The NXT Women's Champion threw a steel chair into the ring next and she almost entered the ring but Gonzalez booted her to the floor. Toni held the door shut with a belt. 

Shirai tried to climb the cage to enter the ring, but Gonzalez Powerbombed Blackheart into the cage, causing Io to crash to the floor once again. 

Candice LeRae made her way to the ring. Before she could clash with Shirai, Indi Hartwell attacked The Genius Of The Sky from behind. LeRae's protege then tossed a trash can into the ring, wrapped the chain around the door and hid the key in her shirt. 

Team Candice proceeded to attack Shotzi Blackheart with kendo sticks. The referee stopped them from causing further damage, though, so he could check on the team captain. While he was doing so, Io Shirai scaled the structure and took out everyone in the match with a Trash Can Splash. 

WarGames officially began and Team Shotzi took out Team Candice with repeated Splashes into the corner. Shirai hit a Moonsault on Gonzalez but Team Candice broke up the pin. 

Later, LeRae locked in the Gargano Escape on Ember Moon while Blackheart locked in her own submission on Toni Storm. LeRae knew Storm was going to tap out and broke up the submission. The Ballsy Badass ran wild moments later and beat down LeRae and Storm with a kendo stick. 

Kai hit a Double Stomp on Shirai while a Trash Can was draped over the NXT Women's Champion's head. Moon caught Dakota Kai with an Eclipse on to two chairs but Toni Storm broke up the pin. The former NXT UK Women's Champion then hit Ember with Storm Zero for a two count. 

The captains battled next on a ladder. Blackheart hit a Senton from the ladder on to her opponent for a near fall. In the other ring, Shirai hit a Moonsault on Dakota Kai for another two count. 

Later, Raquel Gonzalez put Shirai through a ladder with a Single-Arm Powerbomb to pick up the victory. 

Tommaso Ciampa def. Timothy Thatcher 

Thatcher worked over Ciampa's limbs in the opening minutes on the mat. Ciampa eventually fought back and attacked Thatcher's leg. 

The British Messiah caught Ciampa with an Uppercut, knocking The Blackheart a little kayfabe loopy. Thatcher pushed Drake Wuertz out of the way and targeted the former NXT Champion's throat for the next few minutes. Ciampa tried to fight back but Thatcher easily regained control with another Uppercut to the throat. He then worked over the throat for another couple of minutes. 

Ciampa eventually earned himself some breathing space after countering a Double Underhook into a Back Body Drop of sorts. Both men then traded fists and neither got the better of the exchange as they ran into each other. Ciampa got to his feet first and hit a flurry of Running Clotheslines and a Shoulder Tackle to floor Thatcher. He followed up with a Superplex for a near fall. 

Ciampa tried to set up for the Fairytale Ending but Thatcher countered by targeting the throat once again. The British Messiah then locked in the Guillotine and Ciampa broke the hold by forcing them both to tumble to the floor. After they re-entered the ring, Ciampa hit two Running Knees and locked in a Bulldog Choke. One of the Running Knees drew blood from Thatcher's left ear. 

Thatcher fought out with a German Suplex and went for another one on the ring apron. Ciampa fought back briefly and Thatcher pulled Ciampa's throat into the top rope. Thatcher systematically targeted the throat once again. 

Ciampa gained the upper hand again with a Backslide and followed up with Willow's Bell for the win. 

Neither man took their eyes off the other after the match. 

Dexter Lumis def. Cameron Grimes - Strap Match 

Cameron Grimes attacked Dexter Lumis before the strap could be attached to The Tortured Artist. The Technical Savage tossed Lumis into the barricade and used the strap as a weapon. Grimes then tried to whip his opponent with the strap but Lumis fought back with some strikes, a Lou Thesz Press and some more strikes. 

Lumis attached the strap and the match began. Grimes tried to escape but Lumis dragged him back in the ring after a brief tug of war and decked The Technical Savage with a Clothesline.

Grimes managed to escape to the floor soon after and then tried to escape into the crowd at the Capitol Wrestling Center. Lumis pulled him from the steel barricade, though, and caught him with a vicious Uppercut. Lumis then repeatedly flung Grimes into the barricade. 

Grimes briefly created some separation after Back Suplexing Lumis over the barricade. Dexter eventually got back to his feet but The Technical Savage pulled him back over the barricade and wore his opponent down. It went from bad to worse for Lumis after Grimes put a sack over his head and beat him down.

Lumis eventually fought back with a Spinebuster and removed the sack. His advantage didn't last long, though, as Grimes quickly regained control and worked over his rival once again. 

Lumis spilled to the floor and pulled at the strap, causing Grimes to somersault to the floor below. The American Psycho then repeatedly whipped Grimes with the strap after they climbed back into the ring. Lumis went for a Bulldog but Grimes reversed into a German Suplex. 

Grimes collected a steel chair from under the ring and beat down Lumis with it. The Tortured Artist battled back and Grimes caught him with a Standing Spanish Fly to a near fall. 

Grimes went for the Cave In, Lumis countered into Silence but Grimes reversed. 

Moments later, Lumis pulled at the strap, causing Grimes' head to smash off the steel chair. This gave Lumis the opening he needed to lock in Silence. The Technical Savage then tapped out. 

Following the match, the lights flickered and a vulture appeared, hinting at the impending arrival of Karrion Kross. 

Johnny Gargano def. Damian Priest and Leon Ruff - NXT North American Championship 

Johnny Gargano tried to win the match early as he tossed Damian Priest to the floor and trapped Leon Ruff in an Inside Cradle for a two count. 

Damian Priest got back in the ring and attacked Gargano in the corner. Ruff tried to join in, but The Archer Of Infamy didn't take the champion seriously and tossed him to the floor. Ruff and Priest then briefly brawled. 

Gargano and Ruff then worked together to beat down Priest. Their alliance quickly ended when Gargano Speared Ruff. 

Soon after, all three men fought on the outside. Priest warned Ruff to stay out of his way and the North American Champion retaliated with a punch. This only angered the Rockstar of NXT, who proceeded to hit a Razor's Edge on Ruff through a barricade.

Priest instantly showed remorse and the champion was escorted backstage because of his injuries, leaving the match a one on one contest between Gargano and Priest. 

Both challengers fought back and forth in the ring until Ruff returned to the ring and took them both out with some high flying offence. Ruff almost picked up the win with a Flying Cutter to Gargano. 

Priest took out both of his opponents soon after with a Double Flatliner. He then used Ruff to attack Gargano and tried to hit Razor's Edge on Johnny Wrestling. Gargano escaped, though, and threw Priest into the steel post. Johnny TakeOver then tied Priest up in the ropes in the other ring. 

Moments later, Ruff caught Gargano with a Crucifix Bomb for the nearest of near falls. Ruff tried to follow up with a Frog Splash but Gargano rolled out of the way and locked in the Gargano Escape. Priest broke free of the ropes and stopped The Ultimate Underdog from tapping out. 

After all three men fought back and forth, Priest had the match won against Johnny Gargano but he was suddenly attacked by three men in Ghostface masks. Even more Ghostface masked men turned up and Priest took them out with a Senton over the top rope. 

Priest Chokeslammed Gargano and while he took a breather, Leon Ruff hit a Frogsplash on Gargano. The Archer Of Infamy suddenly realised what was happening and broke up the pin. 

Later, Priest hit Gargano with two Heel Kicks and went for Reckoning, but another Ghostface came to the ring and hit The Archer Of Infamy with a steel pipe. Ruff went for a Roll-Up on Gargano while he was looking at Priest, but Johnny Wrestling rolled through and connected with a Superkick.

He followed up with One Final Beat on Ruff for the 1-2-3. 

While Gargano celebrated, Ghostface unmasked and was revealed to be Austin Theory. NXT also announced a special edition of NXT on January 6, 2021, called New Year's Evil. 

The Undisputed ERA def. Team Pat McAfee - WarGames 

Kyle O'Reilly and Pete Dunne started the match for their teams. Team Pat McAfee have the advantage. Both men grappled on the mat and tried to work over each other's limbs. Dunne, in particular, targeted O'Reilly's fingers.

Oney Lorcan entered the match next and the numbers game allowed Team Pat McAfee to wear down Kyle O'Reilly. The former NXT Tag Team Champion briefly fought back but Dunne caught him with a Missile Dropkick to the knee. Lorcan and The Bruiserweight then locked in a joint submission on O'Reilly before Bobby Fish headed to the ring. 

Fish evened the odds inside the structure and gave O'Reilly some time to rest. reDRAgon then beat down Lorcan and Dunne over the next three minutes. 

Danny Burch grabbed an orange bag from under the ring before entering the ring. Two cricket bats were inside and Burch failed to hit O'Reilly with one. Dunne used the other to hit Fish, though. Burch again tried to use the weapon on O'Reilly but The Martial Artist countered into a Heel Hook. Burch tapped out but, of course, the match hadn't begun yet. Dunne broke up the submission and Burch hit O'Reilly with the bat, to which Wade Barrett said, "he hit him for six." The Undisputed ERA managed to survive the over until Roderick Strong arrived. 

The Master Of The Backbreaker matched all three members of Team Pat McAfee for a couple of minutes but the heels eventually regained control. 

Pat McAfee collected four tables from under the ring, each named after an Undisputed ERA member, and a few steel chairs. 

Strong was the first man to go through the table following a McAfee Moonsault. 

Adam Cole collected a fire extinguisher from under the ring and sprayed his opponents in the face. He entered the cage with a steel chair and beat down Dunne, Burch and Lorcan. He then stared down McAfee but Dunne returned to his feet and blocked The leader of The Undisputed ERA from reaching the former Indianapolis Colts Punter. Dunne and McAfee then attacked Cole.  

The match broke down into a brawl between all eight men. The NXT Tag Team Champions caught O'Reilly with Magic Killer soon after for a near fall. McAfee locked in the Figure Four on Adam Cole while Team Pat McAfee blocked the rest of The Undisputed ERA. Cole reversed the Figure Four and Pete Dunne made the save. 

Later, we got an "I Am The Table" moment when Fish and Strong tried to put Dunne and Lorcan through a table and it failed to break. Strong made sure to break the table, though, and hit a Splash on both men. 

Pat McAfee was sent crashing through a table moments later after Cole flung him from the top rope. The Undisputed ERA trapped Lorcan, Burch and Dunne between the ropes and the cage and hit them with a flurry of moves.

This left McAfee alone and he tried to escape The UE by climbing the cage. Cole and co. dragged him down and proceeded to beat him down. They repeatedly threw McAfee into the steel structure, but this gave the rest of Team McAfee time to regroup and they battled back. 

After everyone but McAfee started slugging it out, McAfee wiped out the field with a Moonsault from the top of the cage. 

O'Reilly and Dunne were the first men to get back to their feet. After fighting back and forth, The Bruiserweight connected with the Bitter End but O'Reilly somehow kicked out. Dunne tried to follow up with a Powerbomb but O'Reilly reversed into a Suplex on no man's land for a near fall. 

O'Reilly placed Dunne's head inside a steel chair and tried to follow up with a dive from the top rope. McAfee woke up, though, and knocked O'Reilly to the mat with a steel chair. Cole then got back up and went after Pat. He tried to hit the former NFL player with a chair, but McAfee caught him with a Low Blow. He tried to follow up with a Punt Kick but Cole caught him with a Superkick.

Cole then set up for Panama Sunrise but Burch pulled him down. Fish took out Burch with a Spear through the table.

McAfee then went for his own Panama Sunrise but Cole caught him with a Superkick. The former NXT Champion then hit Panama Sunrise on McAfee and The King Of NXT shockingly kicked out. 

Cole went for Last Shot on McAfee but Lorcan sacrificed himself and took the move instead. Dunne followed up with the Bitter End on Cole onto a steel chair. Strong broke up the pin and hit The Bruiserweight with an End Of Heartache. Strong and O'Reilly then hit Lorcan with Total Elimination and O'Reilly landed a Diving Knee onto a steel chair which was draped across Oney's face for the 1-2-3. 


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WWE NXT TakeOver: WarGames 2020 Results

Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons