
10 Best WWE Matches Of 2016

Best WWE matches of 2016

2. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - Battleground

Kevin owens sami zayn battleground 2016

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn never got to finish their story in NXT thanks to Zayn getting injured, which is why it was somewhat disappointing when their first match on the main roster was a throwaway piece of card-filler at Payback 2016. 

Thankfully, the sequel would be much better. 

At Battleground, Zayn and Owens had the match many expected them to have down in developmental; a tight, soulful affair that showed off the many years of chemistry these two had cultivated in NXT, Ring of Honor, and beyond. 

Even if you knew nothing about these two and their history, the work they did in the ring was more than enough to get you invested. They played their roles perfectly - Owens as the nefarious baddie and Zayn as the valiant hero that fans were desperate to see get the victory. 

That’s exactly what happened when Zayn nailed his rival with a Helluva Kick that should have been the end of the match, only to then look down at his former friend and hit a second Kick to emphatically win the day.

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Written by Cultaholic