
10 Best WWE Matches Of 2018

Some bangers from WWE in 2018

8. Seth Rollins vs. The Miz vs. Finn Balor - WrestleMania 34

Ic title triple threat wrestlemania 34

WWE were very smart in the build to this triple threat at WrestleMania 34, as they let Intercontinental Champion The Miz sit on the sidelines whilst his challengers Seth Rollins and Finn Balor had excellent matches on Raw every week. 

The big day finally rolled around and this was the bout chosen to open the main show. This was 100% the right call, as it turned out to be one of the strongest opening matches in ‘Mania history. 

Fans expected a lot from Balor and Rollins, not just because of their work with each other, but because they were two of the most exciting workers on the whole roster at the time. 

Miz, though several rungs down the ladder from the other two, added a new dynamic to the battle - one that mainly involved him being an arsehole and trying to steal pins. 

The action was fast and furious with too many memorable spots to recount here. Rollins hit a Curb Stomp to Balor whilst he was on top of Miz, then drilled the champion with another finish to pick up his first IC Title.

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Written by Cultaholic