
10 Cancelled WWE WrestleMania Matches

These are 10 cancelled WWE WrestleMania matches

6. Razor Ramon vs. Goldust - WrestleMania 12

Razor ramon goldust

WrestleMania 12 was set up for Razor Ramon to avenge his shock loss from the 1996 Royal Rumble and recapture the Intercontinental Title by beating Goldust in a Miami Street Fight. 

However, the Bad Guy was not comfortable working with the Bizarre One due to the strong overtones of the storyline. Not only was Hall hesitant to work with Dustin Runnels’ alter-ego, but he was informed of a drug test failure and slapped with a six-week suspension in the run-up to the Grandaddy of Them All, rendering the point moot anyway. 

Scott himself was sceptical of the timing, claiming that the test was already six weeks old by that point and that he was suspended because he had pretty much let it be known that he was on his way back to WCW when his contract expired in a couple of months.

Roddy Piper ended up taking his place in what became an excellent ‘Hollywood Backlot Brawl’.

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Written by Cultaholic