
10 Most Controversial WWE Ruthless Aggression Storylines

Most controversial storylines in the WWE Ruthless Aggression era

9. Batista & Melina

Batista melina 2005

When you’re trying to establish your next big star babyface of the company, it’s probably not advisable to write them into a storyline where they are accused of sexual harassment. 

That’s the fate that befell Batista in late 2005, when he was put into a short-term feud with MNM, who were defending their WWE Tag Team Titles against The Animal and Rey Mysterio. 

In an attempt to dissuade Big Dave from destroying her team, Melina seduced and then, supposedly, slept with the World Heavyweight Champion. 

Far from being dissuaded, Batista thanked Melina for the ‘warm-up’ and pledged to destroy Mercury and Nitro later (which he did). Things took a turn when Melina held a press conference after the fact, claiming that Batista had actually harassed her, which forced a similar press conference from him, professing his innocence. 

It was all very icky, especially when Melina and Batista were being spoken of as a couple behind the scenes, despite the fact that she was publicly in a relationship with Nitro. 

In the end, the storyline was all a setup for Batista’s feud with Mark Henry, who was enlisted as Melina’s personal protection. 

To make matters worse, that feud never actually ended up happening, because Batista got injured before they could make it to the ring. 

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Written by Cultaholic