
10 Most Controversial WWE Ruthless Aggression Storylines

Most controversial storylines in the WWE Ruthless Aggression era

7. Tim White's Lunchtime Suicides

Tim white lunchtime

When Tim White injured his shoulder inside the Hell in a Cell at Judgment Day 2002, forcing him to retire from active duty, WWE decided to make the best out of a bad situation. 

And by ‘best’, we of course mean introducing him as an on-screen character over three years later in a series of pointless, reprehensible skits. 

White resurfaced at Armageddon 2005, being interviewed by Josh Matthews at his bar, The Friendly Tap, which, incidentally, was the one the APA would always destroy in their televised barroom brawls. 

Timmy was portrayed as a bitter alcoholic who blamed the Hell in a Cell for ruining his life. He then took a shotgun out and (off-camera) supposedly shot himself to death. 

Not only did some think making a wrestling angle out of suicide to be in poor taste, but this was coming a little over one month after the tragic death of the beloved Eddie Guerrero, who was very much in the hearts and minds of fans at the time. 

WWE revealed a few weeks later that White had actually shot himself in the foot, but then proceeded to air several other, similar scenes, like the worst version of Harold and Maude you’ve ever seen. 

The ‘Lunchtime Suicides’ became a weekly feature, ending when the former official blasted Matthews away.  

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Written by Cultaholic