
10 Most Controversial WWE Ruthless Aggression Storylines

Most controversial storylines in the WWE Ruthless Aggression era

4. The Death Of Vince McMahon

Vince mcmahon death 2007

One of the least preferred deaths is probably a limousine explosion. That’s what happened to Vine McMahon at the climax of the June 11, 2007 episode of Raw. 

After cutting a bizarre in-ring speech and walking past his entire roster backstage, Vince’s ride went kaboom when he closed the door, ending the broadcast on a soap opera-worthy cliffhanger. 

Now, obviously Vince himself didn’t really kick the bucket on live TV, but some in the media speculated that the stunt could land the CEO and WWE in hot water, particularly where stockholders were concerned. 

This came to light after WWE ran a story on their website where they speculated that McMahon was ‘presumed dead’ following the explosion. Let’s not forget his poor, confused pal Donald Trump, who actually believed his fellow billionaire had perished. 

In the end, real-life tragedy necessitated the end of the ‘whodunit?’ storyline, with it being revealed later that Vince had faked the whole thing in order to see what people really thought of him. 

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Written by Cultaholic