
10 Storylines WWE Stars Hated Doing

10 WWE storylines the wrestlers hated being a part of

7. Terri Runnels fakes her own pregnancy

Terri runnels miscarriage

The Attitude Era was a golden age for regrettable storylines, as the ratings-chasing shock TV tone of the product dictated that pretty much anything was game as long as it could grab the audience’s ever-decreasing attention span. 

One of the most controversial angles of the day was one that its focal point positively begged the writers not to go through with. 

On the January 4, 1999 episode of Raw, an ostensibly pregnant Terri Runnels went to interfere in D-Lo Brown’s match with Edge, slipped off the ring steps to the floor and ‘miscarried’. 

It was, of course, a ruse all along and Terri had faked it just to manipulate Brown to do her bidding until the farce was exposed. 

Runnels not only thought it distasteful to use something tragic that people actually experience as fodder for a wrestling storyline, but was also worried about what the other kids in elementary school might say to her daughter Dakota.

Terri had pleaded with Vince Russo not to write the storyline into the show, but Vinny Ru went ahead and did it anyway.

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Written by Cultaholic