
10 Times WWE Rewrote Their Own History

Examples of WWE rewriting the history books

6. Goldberg's interference at No Way Out 2004

Goldberg no way out 2004

Speaking of Eddie, how about that time he beat Brock Lesnar in the main event of No Way Out 2004 to win the WWE Title? 

What a moment it was, when Latino Heat countered the F5 with a DDT onto the title belt and hit the Frog Splash for the feel-good three count. All that after battling The Beast for 30 minutes with no help whatsoever. 

Well, apart from the timely assist provided by Goldberg after the referee was bumped, but let’s not bring that little wrinkle up, shall we? Yes, even though WWE sneakily omit that part when celebrating Guerrero’s title triumph, it did happen. 

Da’ Man had shown up earlier in the night and attacked The Next Big Thing, prior to being removed from the arena by security. 

He must have managed to break free and sneak back in, because he came back later to Spear Lesnar while Brian Hebner was taking a nap. 

To be fair, it was only a false finish and didn’t lead directly to the finish itself, but it’s pretty amusing how WWE scrubs it from the match’s recap. 

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Written by Cultaholic