
10 Worst WCW PPV Main Events In History

10 worst PPV main events in WCW history

For all its amazing cruiserweight action, exotic Japanese imports, and Goldberg squashes, World Championship Wrestling put out its fair share of absolute tripe. 

Terrible wrestling, terrible booking, terrible stipulations - the house that Turner built had it all, and the company’s worst traits could often be seen in their pay-per-view main events. 

In this list, we’ll be showcasing some of the worst of the worst from Starrcade 1990 onwards, as that was the first show to carry the WCW moniker. 

These are the 10 worst PPV main events in WCW history 

10. Hulk Hogan vs. Ric Flair - Uncensored 2000

Hulk hogan ric flair uncensored 2000

There was a time and a place when Hulk Hogan taking on Ric Flair would have been considered one of the greatest pro wrestling spectacles in the world. That time was not the year 2000 and that place was not the main event of WCW’s final Uncensored pay-per-view. 

You might never have seen this match, but you’ve most certainly heard of it, because this is the infamous Indian Strap Match that has become part of internet wrestling folklore thanks to shows like Botchamania. Flair and Hogan were tied together by a strap with the objective of the match being to touch all four corners of the ring before the other person. Well, that was supposed to be the objective, but they both tried to pin each other a couple of times for absolutely no reason.

As well as forgetting its own rules, this match also reminded everyone that neither man was in their prime anymore, as they both slowly bopped each other around the arena, presumably whilst wishing they could be literally anywhere else. 

Chuck in a bunch of random outside interference, and you’ve got a recipe for a classically bad WCW show-closer.

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Written by Cultaholic