
10 Worst WWE Factions In History

WWE have had some absolute stinkers

7. The Mexicools


In theory, an invading cruiserweight group consisting of Juventud Guerrera, Super Crazy and Psicosis should have been a sure-fire winner. 

After all, the three luchadors were all ultra-talented and their addition to the SmackDown roster in 2005 was a shot in the arm to a division that was thin on the ground and creatively neglected. 

However, WWE’s decision to have the Mexicools ride to the ring on lawnmowers raised some eyebrows due to it being a racist stereotype and deeply offensive to a sizeable portion of the show’s audience.

The Mexicools claimed that they were no longer going to do the manual labour that Hispanics were expected to do for ‘gringos’ and began their WWE careers by interfering in matches by attacking other wrestlers.

Their run got off to a pretty disastrous start when Juventud smashed in Paul London’s face with a  botched 450 Splash, leading to Vince McMahon outlawing it and other high-risk moves like the Shooting Star Press. 

Their matches were also underwhelming and, though Guerrera bagged the Cruiserweight Title, he alienated himself from the locker room with his characteristically annoying and erratic backstage behaviour. 

Juvi soon lost the title and was released just six months after the Mexicools’ debut, after which Crazy and Psicosis became a more palatable tag team. 

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Written by Cultaholic