
10 Worst WWE Factions In History

WWE have had some absolute stinkers

2. The Union

The union

The only Union you’re likely to ever see in a WWE locker room is the one that was made up of Mankind, Big Show, Ken Shamrock and Test in May of 1999.

The Union – or to give them their full title the Union of People You Oughta Respect, Son, AKA U.P.Y.O.R.S, because it’s Vince Russo’s world we’re living in and everything is a forced pun - were a short-lived offshoot of the Corporation.

The foursome abandoned the Corporation after Shane McMahon wrangled power away from his father and began to treat certain members badly. 

The Union were sort of aligned with other heavy hitters, including Mr. McMahon, Steve Austin, The Rock and commissioner Shawn Michaels, and battled the Corporate Ministry (after The Undertaker’s satanic outfit merged with Shane’s crew). 

This all led to a Union versus Corporate Ministry eight-man elimination tag match at the ill-fated Over the Edge, which was won by Mankind. 

Eight days later, Mrs. Foley’s Baby Boy was written off television in order to get knee surgery. 

One week after that, Vince McMahon was revealed as the Higher Power and, with their leader on the shelf and their enemy morphing into a confusing mess, the Union turned in their two-by-fours and went their separate ways.

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Written by Cultaholic