
10 Worst WWE PPV Endings Ever

WWE have ended some PPVs on an absolutely awful note

3. Hell In A Cell 2014

Dean ambrose spooky lantern hell in a cell 2014

The main event of Hell in a Cell 2014 was supposed to be the site of the big blowoff between Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. 

The two ex-Shield Members had been warring for months and this was one of the first times in a long while that it felt as though the Cell stipulation was actually warranted.

Certainly more so than John Cena and Randy Orton’s second Cell match against each other. 

The match was suitably chaotic, with The Lunatic Fringe and The Architect pulling out all the stops to end the show on a high. It’s such a shame, then, that they were failed by the creative.

After getting hit with chairs, going through tables and falling off the side of the Cell, the thing that ultimately did Ambrose in was a spooky lantern projecting a hologram. 

This was a bad idea in theory and an even worse one in practice, with WWE’s production doing nobody any favours.

True to form, Ambrose and Wyatt’s eventual meeting at TLC also featured a naff finale courtesy of a malfunctioning television monitor. 

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Written by Cultaholic