
10 WWE Title Reigns That Only Lasted 1 Day

10 very, very short WWE title reigns

7. Edge & Christian - WWE Tag Team Championships - October 22-23, 2000

Edge christian los conquistadores

Like Charlotte Flair, Edge and Christian’s impressive number of tag team titles reigns is bolstered by some very brief stints with the gold. 

These seven-time World Tag Team Champions could only hold onto the belts for 91 days during their longest reign and were once champions for only a matter of minutes. That’s not what we’re here to discuss, though. 

The Canadians had recently lost a match barring them from challenging for the titles for as long as The Hardy Boyz were champions. So they came up with a clever way around this - golden suits!

E&C disguised themselves as Los Conquistadores to get a title shot at No Mercy, which they won. 

The Canadians wouldn’t be gloating for long, as the Hardys then also dressed up as the Conquistadores and won the titles back one night later after taking out Christian ahead of the match!

Not only does that mean that Los Conquistadores - a team that didn’t technically exist at that time - are two-time World Tag Team Champions, but they also won the belts… from themselves. 

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Written by Cultaholic