
Booker T: Bobby Lashley Is Now A Made Man In WWE

Booker T believes Bobby Lashley's recent run as WWE Champion has turned him into one of the promotion's most dependable, go-to performers in the eyes of officials.

The All Mighty has enjoyed arguably his best year ever in professional wrestling, winning the WWE Title in March and successfully defending the Championship against the likes of Drew McIntyre, Braun Strowman, Kofi Kingston and Goldberg before dropping it to Big E last week.

Despite Lashley no longer being WWE Champ, Booker T believes he is now a made man in the company; someone that Vince McMahon and other officials know they can rely on in the biggest of matches and segments.

Speaking on his Hall Of Fame Podcast, Booker T said: "First of all, unless your certain people, you’re never gonna be the guy at the top of the card all the time. That’s just not gonna happen. You’re gonna find yourself in the upper midcard and whatnot.

"But a guy like Bobby, he’s what I call a made man. Over this last year, Bobby has done the best work I’ve ever seen him do in the business thus far. He’s put himself in a place as a star and go-to-guy, especially with MVP at his side.

"That’s the one caveat with this whole thing. MVP just underwent knee surgery and we know he’s gonna be out for a while. The question is gonna be, is Bobby Lashley gonna be a totally different Bobby Lashley without MVP by his side for a few months?

"I don’t think Bobby is gonna have a problem staying in his position. There again, you’ve gotta look at the roster. Who do I put in Bobby Lashley’s spot? Who’s gonna get me more bang for my buck other than Bobby? You can’t look too many places, you really cant.

"I’m not just saying that because I like Bobby and he’s a friend or anything like that. I always say, I look at the guys on the roster and could they match up with me, could they size up with me, could they go out and pull weight like me? I would always say, most of the time, I don’t think so. I think right now, that’s where Bobby is.

"You look at the roster and you look at Bobby. Who you gonna pick? You’re gonna pick Bobby Lashley…..Bobby was built properly this last run. You just go wow. Definitely, I think Bobby is gonna find himself back in that spot."

H/T EWrestlingNews

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com