
Bret Hart Would Have Loved To Work With Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar & Rey Mysterio

Bret Hart would have relished the opportunity to wrestle Angle, Lesnar and Mysterio

Wrestling legend Bret Hart got to work with a plethora of all-time greats during his long, hall of hame career, but there were a few names he regrets not being able to step into the ring with. 

Speaking during a K&S WrestleFest signing, The Hitman singled out Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle and Rey Mysterio as people he wishes he could have worked with. 

On the amateur wrestling standouts, Hart said: 

"Kurt Angle would have been one of my primary guys. He always wanted to work with me and I wish I could've worked with him. I would have loved to work with Brock Lesnar just because I always heard he was a good pro in the ring. The opposite of Goldberg".

Regarding Mysterio, Bret says he often overlooks the masked man but considers him one of the best ever. 

"A guy I really wish I could have worked with would have been Rey Mysterio. Rey was really as special or unique as Andre The Giant was, in a different way. There is only one great masked wrestler in the history of wrestling, that was really great, and that's Rey Mysterio. Rey has always been one of the best. When I think of great wrestlers, I always overlook Rey but he's one of the greatest of all time. I've always respected him and wish I could have worked with him".

The Excellence of Execution's in-ring career was effectively ended when he received a kick to the head from Goldberg in the WCW Starrcade 1999 main event, leading to severe concussion and post-concussion issues.

A stroke he suffered in 2002 made a comeback even less likely, though Hart would return in a limited capacity and work some matches for WWE in 2010.

H/T Fightful

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.