Carmella Feels Like Her WWE Departure Is Punishment For Having A Baby
Carmella feels WWE exit was ‘punishment’ for having a baby
Mar 5, 2025
Carmella recently departed WWE after the expiration of her contract, with Carmella having been out of action since March 2023, taking time off to have her first child.
However, Carmella feels like this time off has been used against her, with clips released from a forthcoming appearance on the Barely Famous podcast showing Carmella seemingly suggesting her exit was punishment for having a baby:
“That’s the whole point, to get people talking and to be bold, in your face. Let’s talk about it. Let’s have the conversations that women aren’t having. Is it because I’m a woman? Is it because I had a baby? It just feels like a s***** way to end a 12-career with the company, that this is how it ended," said Carmella in the first of several separate snippets, with other snippets stating the following:
“(Corey Graves) still has a job. We had a kid, and he had a job, but I don’t. I mean, I guess fast forward until a few weeks ago and I got a call saying that my contract was up in ten days. [Everyone] ghosted. Completely ghosted. What if this is the end of my career? What am I doing with my life, what do I have to offer? Why wasn’t I given an opportunity somewhere else?”
“I feel like I’m being punished because I had a baby.”
“Why would you want to be somewhere that doesn’t want you? I wish more for women in general and moms and especially athletes. You shouldn’t have to choose one. Why can’t you have both?”
If having a baby is indeed behind WWE’s decision to allow Carmella to leave, then comparisons can be drawn between ‘Mella and Dawn Marie, with the former ECW and WWE star released by the promotion whilst she was on maternity leave in 2005.
H/T: Cageside Seats
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