

10 Best WWE Superstars Of 2017

This time last year, it seemed as though WWE was on the brink of a total indie revolution. With AJ Styles at the helm, a new wave of Superstars appeared to be on the horizon - especially with names...


10 Best Pay Per Views Of 2017

We all love to see brilliant matches and great moments, but few things provide wrestling fans with as much satisfaction as an excellent top-to-bottom show. Whether experienced live of from the...


10 Times WWE Superstars Went Off Script

It doesn't matter what we do in life, we all have a script to follow. We turn up to work, do what we have to do, go home, and then face whatever challenges we have to deal with in our personal lives....


10 Best Feuds Of 2017 From WWE And NJPW

Feuds are the lifeblood of professional wrestling. A good rivalry can take a good match and elevate it into completely new territory, opening up so many avenues for storytelling and ring psychology....


10 Best WWE Matches Of 2017

It's probably fair to say that WWE hasn't had the most stellar of PPV years, overshadowed by dazzling shows put out by NJPW and NXT. Although certain cards had definite bright spots, there wasn't one...


10 Best NXT Superstars Of 2017

NXT is good, but we knew that already. The bigger story is perhaps that NXT continues to be good, even despite its own self-defeating nature. Its status as a 'developmental' brand (despite...


10 Best NXT Matches Of 2017

NXT, as we all know, is brilliant when it comes to match quality. The weekly show largely concentrates on storyline development and shorter, more simple bouts, but whenever a TakeOver special rolls...


10 Best WWE December PPVs Ever

In WWE, Christmas obviously falls in April - but how does the actual festive season stack up? December can often be a hit-and-miss time for the promotion. As the final month before the Road to...


10 Greatest AJ Styles Matches Of All Time

AJ Styles is WWE Champion, and all is right with the world. For most of the Phenomenal One's career, that sentence would have been confusing. The idea of Mr Styles holding WWE's most coveted title...


Jim Johnston: Greatest WWE Hits

Jim Johnston has had a profound influence on my life, as I'm sure he has yours. If I had to choose one man as being responsible for the soundtrack of my life to date, it would be Jim Johnston. The...