Chelsea Green Reveals How She Got Out Of WWE No-Compete Clause A Week Early

Green shockingly showed up at Ring Of Honor on Sunday

Chelsea Green has revealed how WWE allowed her to end her no-compete clause a week early in order to appear at Ring Of Honor's Best In The World.

Green shocked the wrestling world by showing up at the ROH pay-per-view on Sunday, a week prior to her 90-day no-compete clause with WWE coming to an end after her release in April.

The former WWE superstar has announced her intention to upcoming ROH's Women's Championship tournament and has now revealed how WWE's Talent Relations head, John Laurinaitis, helped her out in getting the no-release ended a week early.

Speaking on her Green With Envy podcast she said: "I need to give a shout-out to Johnny Ace. He has been so helpful throughout this process of me being released. When I was first released, I went to him and asked if I could forgo by 90-day pay and get back onto the Indies within a week or two. He was willing to do that for me, but with the complications of my arm, I had to get the plate removed and we decided it was best to not break my contract.

"When I contacted him this time around, which was a month ago, and asked if I could forgo my last week of WWE pay to appear on the ROH pay-per-view, obviously I was thinking there was no way in hell he would go for it. Mind blown. He contacted the lawyers at WWE and had me out of my contract on July 7 as opposed to July 14.

"I am so grateful for Johnny Ace. Him and every person at ROH are the reason I could show up and surprise the fans. Hopefully, I can keep shocking you guys and pop up in unexpected places."

H/T Fightful

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