Chris Jericho Hits Out At ROH Final Battle Finish Critics
Chris Jericho addresses the criticism of ROH Final Battle
Dec 12, 2022
Chris Jericho has hit out at critics of his Ring of Honor World Title match with Claudio Castagnoli at Final Battle on Saturday, December 10.
The Painmaker went one-on-one with Castagnoli and while many expected Jericho to retain, The Swiss Superman ended the night as a two-time ROH World Champion. Castagnoli picked up the win after finally applying the Swing to Jericho. In a unique finish, though, Castagnoli did not let go of the finisher to apply the Sharpshooter and Jericho ultimately ended up tapping out after 33 seconds.
The unique finish, especially since it came out of nowhere, has drawn criticism from some quarters of the wrestling world and Jericho has fired back at those critics, tweeting: "Hey f**k face. Ever experienced this move? It's barbaric. I tapped would've s**t your pants and cried for mommy."
Prior to his loss at Final Battle, Chris Jericho had been ROH World Champion for 80 days and he successfully retained the title against the likes of Tomohiro Ishii, Colt Cabana, Bandido, and Bryan Danielson.