Chris Jericho: Vince McMahon Kind Of Holds A Grudge Against WWE NXT For Losing To AEW
Vince is now doing it his way
Sep 30, 2021
From October 2019 until April 2021, AEW Dynamite and WWE NXT went head-to-head in the Wednesday Night Wars. While the expectation was that NXT would soundly defeat Dynamite every week, AEW ended up winning the ratings war almost every Wednesday and WWE's third show would move to Tuesday nights from April 13, 2021, after signing an extension with USA Network.
NXT has undergone major changes since losing the war and the show was rebranded earlier this month as NXT 2.0. It has become WWE's developmental brand once again, with Vince McMahon and Bruce Prichard reportedly making the "big decisions" around the brand's future.
Speaking about NXT's revamp with Adam Cole on Talk Is Jericho, Chris Jericho revealed he believes that Vince McMahon holds a grudge against NXT for being defeated by All Elite Wrestling.
"What I think it is, and once again, I can say this just from observing, is that NXT was put on Wednesday nights, obviously that's to combat AEW, and we'll wipe out this 'pissant' little company right away. Problem is they had no idea what they were dealing with. It really backfired on them," Jericho began.
"NXT was so cool. You guys would go do your weekend shows and get three times the reaction in a sold-out arena than the pay-per-view would get. So then when they put NXT up against AEW, it really hurt the brand to where you lost the cool factor, and AEW was the cool one," he continued.
"NXT just got steamrolled, and I think, as a result, Vince kind of holds a grudge against NXT. You had the chance to beat AEW, and you didn't. Now I'm going to take over, and I'm going to do it my way."
H/T to Wrestling Inc.