
Drew McIntyre Comments On Negative Reception To Happy Corbin WWE WrestleMania 38 Match

Drew McIntyre is looking forward to the WWE WrestleMania match

While Drew McIntyre was a featured performer at WrestleMania 36 and WrestleMania 37 - challenging for the WWE Championship at both shows - that won't be the case at WrestleMania 38 as Irn Dru is scheduled to go one-on-one with Happy Corbin at The Show Of Shows. 

The match was received negatively when it was announced, with many deeming Drew to be worthy of more than a match with Corbin, but McIntyre told Metro he is personally "very excited" about the contest. 

"I'm very excited about it, personally. I've seen some of the comments when the match was made, the internet can be a very harsh place. I appreciate all my fans around the world, their reaction is, 'Drew's not wrestling for the title? He won the title from Brock two years ago, he fought for the title last year, this year he's fighting Corbin?!'" McIntyre said. 

"I understand that and I appreciate that, but the way I see it is, aside from his obvious talent in the ring - anyone who says he's not talented in-ring is lying to themselves."

Looking ahead to 'Mania, McIntyre thinks fans will be surprised by how good his match with Corbin will be. 

"My goal in the future is to make sure that prior to the match people are like, 'This is gonna be good!' Rather than afterwards saying it was amazing! That's the goal in the future - remember when you're insulting my match, you're insulting me as well. On the biggest stage of all, everybody will come away from it saying, 'Wow, that match' - I guess it'll surprise a lot of people online, but those who know will not be surprised because he's a hell of an athlete," Drew added.

"I'm comfortable with what I do. It's the oldest story in WWE, wrestling in general - two big, athletic heavyweights going at it."

Drew has been feuding with Happy Corbin and his lackey Madcap Moss for several months and McIntyre holds multiple wins over Moss. The two-time WWE Champion has yet to face Corbin since their feud began, although they have wrestled each other several times in the past. 

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons