
Eric Bischoff Thinks WWE Releases Are 'A Market Correction'

Bischoff shares his thoughts on rumours of a WWE sale

Eric Bischoff believes the recent waves of WWE releases are an attempt at 'a market correction' by the company. 

Over 80 talent have been released by WWE in 2021 alone as the company continues to make what it claims are 'budget-related cuts', but former WCW boss Bischoff feels the departures is also down to WWE's change of strategy.

Whether the heavy releases lead to an eventual sale, Bischoff isn't sure, but knows that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon puts significance on legacy.

Speaking on the 83 Weeks Podcast, Bischoff said: "Here’s my impression from way outside the lines and on the outside looking in. I think this is just a market correction.

"I think that WWE, for whatever reason, stacked a lot of talent – I’m talking a lot of developmental talent, these are not all big-name, well-established characters in WWE. I think that perhaps, for whatever reason, the strategy over the last five or six years with NXT is being re-evaluated, and as a result, there’s just a lot of talent looking for work. That’s just a market correction. Whether or not that leads to a sale, I’m probably more open to that than I was.

"I’ve said this before, but one of the reasons I was so steadfast in my opinion that WWE under Vince McMahon will never sell is because of the strong impression that I’ve had over many years – but particularly working with Vince closely for a short time over four or five months – it’s so obvious that Vince holds the legacy of his father and grandfather so highly. It’s evident when you walk into Vince’s office. You figure it out pretty quickly.

"I’ve always believed because of that legacy and how highly, apparently, Vince holds that legacy in that he has Stephanie, Shane, and by virtue of marriage, Triple H, and he’s got grandchildren. I’ve always believed Vince would be far more predisposed to allowing his family to carry on that legacy.

"Very few people really know Vince McMahon. Obviously, his family does and people like Jerry McDevitt do. I think people like Bruce Prichard probably has great insight as to what Vince is really like, but I’m not even sure they can tell you what he’s thinking in any given moment. He’s a very complex individual. He’s harder than hell to read. He just is. So, who knows."

H/T EWrestlingNews

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