EXCLUSIVE: Jeff Hardy Wants To Sing His First TNA Theme To The Ring For Next Full Metal Mayhem Match
Jeff Hardy to sing to the ring?
Jan 13, 2025
Jeff Hardy could be set to channel his inner PeroxWhy?Gen for the next Full Metal Mayhem match he is a part of in TNA Wrestling.
Hardy was heavily involved in the Full Metal Mayhem match that main evented Bound For Glory, with Hardy painting the canvas and many of the weapons utilised during the TNA World Tag Team Title match. Hardy noted to Cultaholic's Tom Campbell that it was a lot of work but he would be open to painting the canvas again.
"It was all me, man. That's one cool thing about this run in TNA. Tommy Dreamer we've known for years and I just pitched the idea to him and he liked it and then everybody else liked it. Then we got the green light and then I started working on everything. It was a lot of work, a lot of spray paint. That canvas was a challenge and now that it's all over, it was really good. I was really proud of everything, especially winning the titles with Matt again. What a moment. At first I was like I never want to do that again but now I'm already going I think I want to do that again," Jeff stated.
For the next singles Full Metal Mayhem match he is a part of, Jeff also wants to sing 'Modest' to the ring.
"In the next Full Metal Mayhem match reimagined, if it's a singles match I want to sing my first theme song called 'Modest' when I first came to TNA. Then have my face paint so the artwork, the music, and the wrestling will all be as one," Hardy added.
The Hardys currently use 'Loaded' as their entrance music in TNA Wrestling but Jeff admitted in 2024 that he is "really tired" of the song.
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