First Canadian Recruited As WWE ID Prospect
EVEN MORE WWE ID recruits revealed
Nov 18, 2024
WWE have recruited the first Canadian to their WWE Independent Development programme, with it being announced at Northern Crown Wrestling's event on November 17 that Zoe Sager was now a WWE ID prospect.
Sager - from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada - primarily wrestles for LPW in Canada but she has also worked for other Canadian independent wrestling promotions, including PPW and Dungeon Wrestling.
It was also announced over the weekend that Ricky Smokes had become a WWE ID prospect, with the reveal being made in Chaotic Wrestling. Smokes has been wrestling since 2019 and he is a regular on Beyond Wrestling's Wrestling Open events. His Swipe Right tag team partner Brad Baylor is also a WWE ID prospect.
WWE recently launched the WWE ID programme. The scheme provides talent with a pathway to WWE and gives the company a right of first refusal on prospects.
Updated list of WWE ID prospects:
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