
Former WWE Talent Forced To Apologise To Vince McMahon After Cutting His Hair

Where are the sideburns, pal?

There are many ways to anger Vince McMahon and, according to a former WWE star, getting a haircut without his foreknowledge is one of them. 

Heath Slater recently revealed that he was forced to apologise to WWE's Executive Chairman after he had his long red locks cut short without approval.

Speaking during an interview with WSI, Slated noted that McMahon wasn't thrilled with his decision, saying: 

"I just straight up told him. I said, 'Vince, I was done with the long hair. I had it for years. It ran its course. I just want something different'. I guess he understood. He was like, 'You ever do anything drastic like that again, you gotta let me know first'. I said, 'Yeah, totally, sorry, my bad'". 

Continuing, the former WWE Tag Team Champion explained that his decision to get a trim was influenced by his lack of creative direction. 

"Man, they weren't doing nothing with me anyway at the time. My career is legit a rollercoaster ride. I'm on the highest of highs and I was on the lowest of lows. That was a time when I was at the lowest of lows. No one's doing much with me. I'm just doing BS matches that don't matter, and I said, 'You know what, screw this, man, I'm just gonna change it up'". 

Heath (who now wrestles for IMPACT) has stuck to a short back and sides ever since. 

H/T Inside The Ropes

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Lewis Howse

Written by Lewis Howse

Features journalist for Cultaholic.com and script writer for the Cultaholic YouTube Channel.