IMPACT's Josh Alexander On X-Division Title Win: "This Is Me Solidifying My Spot In The Pro Wrestling Landscape As A Singles Competitor"

The Walking Weapon captured the gold on Sunday

At Rebellion, Josh Alexander captured his first singles title in IMPACT Wrestling after he defeated TJP and Ace Austin to win the X-Division Championship.

The Walking Weapon has spent much of his IMPACT run as a tag team wrestler in The North and Alexander told Sports Illustrated his win on Sunday was him cementing himself as a singles star. 

"This is me solidifying my spot in the pro wrestling landscape as a singles competitor. I've been known for being part of a tag team because of all the success The North had, but I also had 14 years on the independent circuit before I came to Impact. I always knew I had this within me - that when the pressure was on, I'd rise to the occasion," Alexander said.

The new X-Division Champion later revealed he found out he was winning the title earlier in the week. 

"I've been in wrestling long enough to know that you don't believe anything until it actually happens. So I'd known for about a week, but the reaction when I won was as genuine as can be. And it was so great to see my two sons, holding up their own toy belts, celebrating at home with my wife," The Walking Weapon added.

Having won the title, Alexander now wants to help the X-Division return to glory. 

"There was an incredible amount of hype around this pay-per-view, and there were so many extra eyes on this show, so I wanted to give people their money's worth. This was my chance to establish myself in a division that revolutionized the pro wrestling business. AJ Styles, Low Ki, Amazing Red, Samoa Joe, they all found their success in the X-Division, and they were always the match of the night. I would like to return the X-Division to its glory. This is the workhorse division. I'm going to bust my ass and try to steal every show I'm on."

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Twitter: @theaidangibbons