Jim Ross: WWE Hall Of Fame Has Become ‘Too Corporate’

JR thinks the HOF has lost its way

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Jun 29, 2021

jim ross

The WWE Hall of Fame has often been a lightning rod for debate amongst wrestling fans. "Is person ‘X’ ‘worthy’ of their spot", "why isn’t wrestler ‘y’ inducted", "should there be a physical HOF building", and so on.

Now WWE Hall of famer, and current AEW colour commentator Jim Ross has given his thoughts on the HOF, saying on his Grilling JR podcast:

"The organic nature of the Hall of Fame, it should be objective with the selection, it should not be over-selected by having too many people that can’t speak. I know a couple of Hall Of Famers called me this year and asked me to help them with their Hall Of Fame speech in WWE. And I said ‘Well, how much time you got?’ [They answered] Two minutes. So maybe they stretched it to three. It’s become too corporate in that respect for my tastes. I’m sure they don’t care what my tastes are anymore, which I get.”

Ross specifically took umbrage with a perceived lack of respect shown towards the legendary Funk family during their induction in 2009 by Dusty Rhodes, with the former NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champions Terry and Dory Funk Jr. given scant time to make their induction speech.

“I thought [Terry Funk] and Dory had no time and Dory was not the great orator that Terry was, there are very few men in the history of pro wrestling that can talk as effectively and memorable as Terry Funk. I thought they got jobbed there a little bit on that presentation. I think that was in Houston, in any event, I didn’t like the way that went down. They deserved better and I’m sentimental but I believe they deserved better. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”

H/T: Inside The Ropes


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