Joe Koff Denies Speculation That Ring Of Honor Won't Return After Hiatus
ROH will be away during the first quarter of 2022

Oct 29, 2021
Ring Of Honor Chief Operating Officer Joe Koff has denied speculation that the promotion may not return from its planned hiatus next year.
ROH announced earlier this week that the company need to pivot following the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic, with all talent being released from their contracts at the end of the year while the promotion takes the first quarter of 2022 to determine the business strategy going forward.
Some fans believe that ROH will not be able to return from the hiatus but Koff is adamant that the promotion has every plan to come back as 'Ring Of Honor 2.0'.
Speaking to Mike Johnson of PWInsider, Koff said: "Ring of Honor has been down many, many times, even in the times I’ve been here and we’re just at a place where we have to pivot again. We have to get back to our well oiled machine and find a way to make Ring of Honor something special for all wrestling fans.
"That’s one of the reasons why we’re taking this first quarter off, to rebuild and figure out what it is, but I can tell you, we have great people and a lot of great ideas putting this together. It’s not going to feel like AEW or WWE, or maybe even ROH as we know it today, Mike, but our goal is to provide a unique and engaging experience for all wrestling fans.
"I’m not going to share a lot of detail that’s coming, and I know that sounds like a hedge, but people are going to believe what they want to believe. I can’t stop that, but I am usually the cheerleader and I am usually that person and I feel that way about Ring of Honor 2.0 and what our capabilities are and what we’re always able to do."