
Lawsuit Against WWE Over 'Offensively Racist & Stereotypical' Scripts 'Resolved Amicably'

A lawsuit against WWE is over

Another lawsuit filed against WWE has been resolved. 

A racial discrimination and wrongful termination lawsuit filed by former WWE writer Britney Abrahams was previously dismissed by Abrahams without prejudice in August, which left her with the ability to refile the suit if she wished. 

The case has since been dismissed with prejudice against all defendants and Derek Sells of The Cochran Firm, who represented Abrahams, stated the matter had been "resolved amicably" to Brandon Thurston of Wrestlenomics. The new dismissal means Abrahams cannot re-file the lawsuit with the same court at a later date. 

The filing for dismissal stated: 

"Plaintiff BRITNEY ABRAHAMS, by and through her attorneys, THE COCHRAN FIRM, hereby gives notice that the above-captioned action (and all claims contained therein) is voluntarily dismissed with prejudice in its entirety. Plaintiff further gives notice of her request that the claims previously dismissed on August 17, 2023 without prejudice be now deemed dismissed with prejudice. Each party shall bear that party's own attorney's fees and costs. Dismissal is proper under this section because no party has yet answered the complaint in this matter."

Abrahams filed a 31-page lawsuit against WWE, Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Ryan Callahan, Christine Lubrano, Jen Pepperman, Chris Dunn, and Mike Heller in April 13. Abrahams alleged she was discriminated against and fired for objecting to multiple instances of "offensively racist and stereotypical jargon" within WWE scripts. 

Scripts cited by Abrahams included one pitch for Mansoor to be revealed as the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Another pitch would have seen Shane Haste hunt Reggie and keep the current SCRYPTS in a cage. 

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Aidan Gibbons

Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons