
Lita Recalls Almost Quitting WWE During Edge & Matt Hardy Love Triangle Storyline

WWE ran the angle in 2005

Lita has revealed she almost quit WWE during her love triangle story with Edge and Matt Hardy.

The highly personal angle distorted WWE creativity and reality after speculation about Lita's personal relationship with Edge, while dating Hardy, began spreading on the internet. WWE turned the situation into an angle on television in 2005, in one of their most emotionally charged stories ever.

The former WWE Women's Champion says she still gets comments about her previous relationships on social media and says she almost quit wrestling a month into the storyline.

Speaking to Renee Paquette on Oral Sessions, she said: "It’s still talked about. My relationships are commented on a regular basis, on my Instagram still or social media. Meanwhile, all of the men involved, you know, anything not controversial like with [CM] Punk or Edge or Matt, I guarantee they don’t get asked about it.

"I know they don’t get asked about it because they’re dudes, and, you know, it’s that double standard thing. I think at this point that’s the problem; what I hold onto, feeling the double standard.

"But I’ll tell you it was not easy. I mean, for sure, I almost quit a month [into] the whole love triangle. At that point, not only was it so hard, it was also out of shame. Like, I wasn’t proud of how I conducted myself.

"Yes, if I had to do it all over again, I absolutely would have handled myself differently. But I didn’t. So, I was like, make the bed, and you lie in it. And at that point, I was just like, I deserve all of these terrible things that everybody is saying to me. I deserve not wanting to wake up every morning.

"It was also difficult, as time passed, to let myself off the hook. The only way you can move forward with your life is, sure, you learn from your mistakes and keep going, but you have to forgive yourself."

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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