
Long-time WWE Employee Retires

Rich Hering departs WWE

A long-time WWE employee is no longer a part of the company.

PWInsider Elite has reported that Rich Hering, who was the Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Risk Management, exited WWE last month after 50 years with the organisation. 

Hering departed WWE after opting to retire following the completion of the merger with UFC into TKO Group Holdings. WWE would have wanted Hering to remain but he decided it was time for him to quietly step down and exit the organisation. 

Hering had been a part of WWE for over 50 years back when Vincent J. McMahon owned the WWWF. He did not often appear on-screen but he was the officiant of the wedding between Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth which closed out SummerSlam 1991.

PWInsider noted he is "truly someone who knows where all the bodies would be buried, but also how and why." Hering was one of the most important and powerful WWE employees of all time. 

Hering was awarded the Warrior Award as part of the 2021 WWE Hall of Fame ceremony. 

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Written by Aidan Gibbons

Editor-in-Chief of Cultaholic.com Twitter: @theaidangibbons