Maria Kanellis: If Triple H Is Honest With Himself, He Knows Not Everyone Wants To Work For WWE Anymore

Maria Kanellis has responded to Triple H's recent comments about the state of women's wrestling, saying she believes the NXT executive producer knows the truth is actually that not everyone wants to work for WWE.

In a media call earlier this year, when talking about women's wrestling. Triple H stated that all the best female wrestlers in the world work for WWE, and those that don't actively want to. 

Kanellis feels The Game had to stay something to that effect but believes the truth is hugely different to what Triple H said - something he himself probably knows, deep down.

Speaking with Liam Alexander-Stewart of Inside The Ropes, Maria responded: "I think, of course, he has to say something like that, he has to say that everybody wants to be in WWE because that is where he works and that’s what’s required. But I think if he were honest with himself, he would realise that they aren’t the only place to work anymore and for a lot of people, they’re not even the place that they want to work.

"I’ve heard a lot of women comment to me. I have a couple within Ring of Honor right now that are under contract with us that were made offers by the WWE that turned them down. I’m not going to go on some tirade about that because I don’t think it has any value.

"I think that women, in general, we all have communications about how things are going, how much we’re getting paid, and how well we’re treated, and so because of that community of women, the women’s wrestling coalition, as I like to call it, we have this underground network of boosting each other up and women’s wrestling matters and women want to do a really good job with the wrestling part of women’s wrestling.

"So I think anywhere could have the best wrestler in the world. It doesn’t matter if it’s going to be in Ring of Honor, AEW, IMPACT, WWE. It could be over in Japan or China or over in the UK or anywhere in Europe. Any one of these places may have the very best women’s wrestler in the world.

"It’s just a matter of who that person is, not what company they work for. And I hope that over the next few months we’re able to see a couple of those women in Ring of Honor. But if not, it is something to work towards."

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