Mick Foley: Wrestlers Lose A Little Bit Of Their Individuality In WWE's Development System
The Hardcore Icon feels the WWE way can stifle individuality
Sep 14, 2021
Following his criticism of WWE last week, Mick Foley has again questioned WWE’s operations, specifically its developmental system.
Talking on Busted Open Radio, Foley gave the reasoning behind his ‘WWE has a problem’ quotes saying:
“When I’m on a tour, and it’s going to sound like a plug for the tour, the second half of the show is a Q & A session. I welcome every question. The first question was, ‘What do I think about AEW?’ That’s where I ended up saying, I ended up using the phrase, ‘I think WWE has a problem’ because they are no longer the place that talent aspires to go. Once I talked about that, I said, ‘Oh, oh’, because there’s usually one question every couple nights that the wrestling media will catch on to. I thought they’re going to pick up on this. I thought, as long as they’re going to pick up on this, they might as well hear it from me because it’s been something I’ve been thinking anyway. I did that 75 second video, and it really struck a chord with people because I believe it was on a lot of people’s minds anyway. I think it’s something WWE needed to hear.”
On the topic of WWE developmental, Foley does think that wrestlers lose some of their individuality during the process:
“I think one of the things you risk when you have a developmental system, and a way of doing things specific to your business model, is that you lose a little bit of the individuality, so you tend to have a lot of people who can do great moves, have very good matches, whose names you can’t remember after they’ve wrested unless you’re tuning in every week. That was part of the problem with me. I was watching sporadically, and I was like, “Wow, look at that guy. Good shape, looks great, handsome guy, wearing trunks, great moves, can’t remember his name. A lot of guys tend to fall into the same pattern of looking and wrestling the same.”
H/T: WrestlingNews.co