MJF Willing To Join WWE If Vince McMahon Pays More Than Tony Khan

MJF would be willing to jump from AEW to WWE, if Vince McMahon offered the right price.

AEW's MJF recently appeared at the For the Love of Wrestling convention in Liverpool, England, and took part in a Q&A session in which he addressed rumours about his future. 

Responding to a question about whether he'd leave AEW for WWE, MJF stated:

“I don’t know if you guys are aware of this, but on January 1st of 2024, I’m going to be a free agent. [...] I did not get into this business to make any of you happy. I got into this business to make as much money as humanly possible. And if Vincent Kennedy McMahon is willing to shell out more money than my good friend Tony Khan, then yes, I would go to WWE.”

MJF has openly acknowledged his contract status on AEW television before, referring to his contract's expiry date as "the bidding war in 2024." This has led to fan speculation that AEW will use the situation to fuel a heel angle, with MJF threatening to leave for WWE. 

However, with former AEW EVP Cody Rhodes recently re-joining Vince McMahon and co., many are now also wondering if MJF will simply jump ship for real. 

H/T to WrestlingInc.

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Written by Jack King

jack.king@cultaholic.com Twitter: @JackTheJobber