MLW's Court Bauer Critical Of WWE's Product, Compares It To McDonald's
You don't feel good digesting it
Jan 21, 2022
Former WWE writer and current MLW owner Court Bauer has been critical of his former employer's TV product, comparing it to McDonald's during an appearance on Busted Open Radio.
"Even when I was at WWE, I'd sit in the writer's room and be like, 'Guys, we have to change this format.' At that time, they had been doing this format for 10, 12 years, now you're going on two decades. It's the same format. The format from the 70s to the 80s to the 90s, they changed to where by the 90s, it was the crash TV format. Now, it's kind of a dialed down crash TV format and a very flat crash TV that (Vince) Russo used to do," Bauer began.
"It's still essentially the same format; how you open the show, you have a guy do a 20-minute promo and there is an invisible wall where his rival sits on the entranceway and listens patiently as this guy talks about his feelings. This doesn't feel real. The evolution of fighting, you watch UFC and watch all these big fights, they don't sit there and let someone talk about their feelings and not do anything about it. It feels very rehearsed and it feels like it's the same voice coming out of 15 to 20 people's mouths," he continued.
"You have to have continuity. If all of a sudden you shift gears, that's a problem. The other problem is being authentic. In this day and age, rebranding a guy and having him have a different name after you've established him, it's impossible to not have pushback. Authenticity matters now more than ever. If you try to have a fake product, a plastic product, artificial product. It's kind of like McDonald's, it's readily available but I don't know if you're going to feel good digesting it."
Beyond his criticism of WWE's product, Court Bauer's promotion recently served WWE with an anti-trust lawsuit, alleging Vince McMahon's organisation had made ongoing attempts to "undermine competition and monopolise the professional wrestling market by interfering with MLW's contracts and business prospects."
H/T to Fightful