
Murphy 'Wasn't Comfortable' Kissing Aalyah Mysterio On WWE SmackDown

The two locked lips on a live SmackDown taping

Buddy Murphy has admitted he wasn't comfortable kissing Rey Mysterio's daughter Aalyah during the feud between Seth Rollins and the Mysterios last year.

The storyline saw Rey's daughter develop feelings for Rollins' disciple Murphy, leading to the Australian superstar abandoning The Messiah, turning face and aligning with Aalyah and her family.

While the story didn't really progress any further from there, one major segment saw Aalyah kiss Murphy in the middle of the ring, something he wasn't comfortable about despite everyone else agreeing to it.

Speaking on Insight With Chris Van Vliet, Murphy revealed: "I wasn’t comfortable kissing Aalyah. I did that because it was my job and it was going to create more drama in the story.

"Originally, there was no kiss scripted. They, the producers, went and they talked to Vince about something. They come back and they pitch it to me but they are kind of like weird. Then they say ‘and then you kiss her.’ I start laughing and go ‘f*ck off.’ But then they are like ‘no we are serious.’ I look at the other producer and he just nodded his head. I’m like ‘no way! How did you come back with this?’ 

"My whole thing was I had to play it very carefully. I said to them ‘I’m not going to express feelings to her. I can’t pursue her, she has to pursue me.’ This was because of the age difference. You don’t make it any easier when you use my birthday as ‘the message.’ So now you have given them (fans) the information of how old is he? How old is she? What? I think them saying ‘happy birthday’ basically just outed that.

"I wasn’t comfortable with it, but they didn’t help with the situation. I’m like ‘what does she [Aalyah] think about it’ They go ‘she’s cool with it.’ I’m like ‘what?!’ They went to her first, I thought she was going to shoot it down. So then I go ‘what about Rey?’ They say ‘they’re OK with it?’ I’m like ‘well if they are OK with it, I can’t be the one that goes whatever.’

"I was very blunt with them, I can’t pursue her, if I do, I’m a creep. I’m a ‘pedo’ as people say on the internet. If she goes for me, she’s an empowered woman that knows what she wants. I think they sold her on a Hollywood style kiss. I’m not in Hollywood, what’s a Hollywood style kiss? They explain the camera shots. We are live on TV you can’t do these behind the head camera shots. There’s eight cameras on you, who knows which one they are going to shoot you on. If there’s a gap, the whole thing is done.

"Seth was nervous about it, because this whole storyline rides on this one kiss. I’m uncomfortable, and she’s new. We are out there and about to cut the promo and I said to her this needs to look good. If you have any second minds, I am giving you the green light. Do whatever you want, it’s 100% you. Do what you need to do, this needs to look good.

"It looked great, the aftermath wasn’t great for me. But we are both adults, we are both acting, we gave each other a high-five after it and that was it."

H/T Wrestling Inc.

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Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com