
Paul Heyman Thinks John Cena 'Loved' ECW One Night Stand 2006 Crowd Reaction

"Anybody that says that they wouldn’t cherish the opportunity to work with John Cena on any level is a fool."

Paul Heyman believes John Cena absolutely loved the immensely passionate reaction he received from ECW fans at the 2006 One Night Stand event. 

Cena walked into one of the most hostile environments ever when he defended the WWE Championship against Ron Van Dam at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, with fans making clear their disdain for the new top face of WWE. 

RVD would win the match, thanks to Heyman counting the pin, and the former ECW Executive Producer believes Cena's ability to generate that level of reaction, and how he feeds off it, means the 16-time WWE champion absolutely adored playing his role in that outing.

Heyman told Metro.co.uk: "John Cena feeds off of the interaction with a live audience like very few people on the face of the planet in history ever have, ever could, ever would, or ever have the ability to generate that level of passion from a live crowd. I think John Cena, to this day, loved every single micro moment of it.

"Anybody that says that they wouldn’t cherish the opportunity to work with John Cena on any level is a fool."

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com