
Quiz: Name The 2005 WWE Draft Picks

22 names - good luck!

On this day in 2005, SmackDown announced their first pick of that year's WWE draft.

Throughout June 2005, WWE Raw and SmackDown would announce a new acquisition from their rival, with 10 different main roster names making the jump from one to another during the course of the respective shows.

After the first 10 had been sorted, a supplemental trade too place, seeing another 11 names swap from either Raw to SmackDown, or SmackDown to Raw. 

But how many of those names can you remember? 

A potentially tricky Monday quiz for you - how many of the 21 (technically 22 - you'll see) swapped WWE brands during the draft process in 2005? 

You have seven minutes. Good luck, and don't forget to let us know on social media how you get on!

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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com