
Randy Orton Comments On His Position In WWE

The Viper was responding to a message on Twitter

Randy Orton believes he will have his spot in WWE for 'as long as I want it', but concedes he would not be where he is without the help of other wrestlers.

Orton revealed on Steve Austin's Broken Skull Sessions that Hurricane Helms was the first person he ever delivered the RKO to. When asked about it on social media, Helms would reveal that The Viper is one of the few people in wrestling who will give credit where it's due to other talent. 

Orton would respond to Helms' tweet, admitting he wouldn’t be where he’s at without a host of different people helping him along the way.

“I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for many different people. I’ll never forget that. But I know, and they know. No problem giving credit where credit is due. I have a spot. I’ll have that MOTHER F–KING spot as long as I want it. But make no mistake, I didn’t get here by myself,” Orton wrote back on Twitter.

Orton responded after Fastlane 2021, where 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt returned to WWE. The two will settle their rivalry at WrestleMania 37 in April after they met again in the ring on Monday Night Raw.


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Mitch Waddon

Written by Mitch Waddon

Editor In Chief at Cultaholic.com